Children's Ministry

Elevate Church - Birth to age 10

Sunday mornings during the morning service.  The children are dismissed part way through the service for ministry geared to their age group. We provide nursery for under JK and Elevate Church meets in two age groups from 1 to Grade 6.

Elevate  - Grades 1 to 6

Wednesday evenings consist of our midweek children's program from 6:30 - 7:45 PM.

Small Group Ministry

Hour With The Holy Spirit



Hour With The Holy Spirit

One Hour With The Holy Spirit consist of an hour spent reflecting upon Worship, Prayer and the Word.  Each week one of the three is the focus for that evening.

Meeting Monday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm.

Life Groups

Life Groups - Monday Evenings.

Life groups meet for bible study and fellowship on Monday evenings at 7:00 pm. These groups do not meet for the spring / summer season and will be starting up in September.











Youth Ministry

Pulse Youth - Grades 6 and up.

Youth Miinistry -  Three youth groups together, Calvary, Ottawa Valley and Move Church.  Meeting at Calvary Church on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 - 8:30 PM.

Other Ministry


Calvary Church is very actively involved in world missions in support missionaries on the field and partnering with Seeds International
taking the gospel into the public schools of Grenada.

Church New Testament Style

Communion and a Meal

The first Sunday of each quarter we have church over a meal and communion in the church basement.  All is required is to bring a dish - main course, a dessert or a side dish.  If you are visiting with us and you didn't come prepared you are still welcomed to join us.  There is always plenty to go around.  This has proven to be quite a success and helps to build community.